
Julien Minet

I’m developing cartography and geographical information systems applications. Some of my projects are presented just below. And I run a blog about geoinformatics stuffs since 2012. In 2018, I joined

I used to work as a researcher on crop and vegetation modelling, using Bayesian inverse modelling techniques, within a lab focused on remote sensing. I’m also interested in crowdsourcing, open-source cartography and citizen science.


I’ve developed several applications in GIS and webmapping for several years.  If you are interested in some cartography/GIS/webmapping consulting, you can contact me. Here is below a portfolio of some of my projects (professional or not, on demand or not) in cartography and webmaps development. Some projects are also on my github account.

  • OpenArdenneMap, a map for the Ardenne –> An example here and many more on!
  • Development of a webmap for “Réseau de Consommateurs Responsables ASBL”, depicting local citizens’ alternatives in Wallonia-Brussels (2012 – now). Made using OpenLayers, then LeafletJS. Bimonthly updated since 2012. –>
  • WallPaperMapsMaker – Make beautiful maps as wallpaper (2016) –>
  • Responsive webmap based on Bootstrap & OpenLayers 3. This work is for setting a new yield forecast application in Belgium. (2016) –>
  • BELCAM geoportal. Advanced geoportal for crowdsourcing of agricultural data & visualisation of remote sensing products. Data visualisation and edition of information by users that can create individual accounts. Made in collaboration with other IT engineers of the consortium of the project. (2016)
  • Map of local shops and services in Marbehan (2014-2016). Using OpenStreetMap data and  OpenLayers –>
  • Development of a private geoportal for SES VanderHave (2013-2014), showing geographical data for internal communication. Using OpenLayers, GeoExt and MapServer.
  • Training and support for the development of a webmap for Commune de Woluwe-St-Pierre (2014). Using Leaflet. –>
  • Development of a geoportal for Université catholique de Louvain – Geomatics (2012), delivering some of their cartography products. Using OpenLayers, GeoExt, and MapServer –>
  • Development of an animation tool for land use planning for UCL-Geomatics (2012). Using a combination of OpenLayers, GeoExt, MapServer, TileCache and TinyOWS.
  • Development of the first webmap for community’s gardens in Brussels (2008). Using OpenLayers and GeoExt. –> webmaps/potagers/map.html


I’m an active contributor of OpenStreetMap under the user name juminet. I like to map unmapped stuffs-to-map in the South of Belgium and to play with OSM data. Map Loud, Map Proud!

Research projects


My publications in open-access on the ORBI repository.

My publications list on Google Scholar.


2015 – 2017 BELCAM – BELgian Collaborative Agriculture Monitoring

Involvement: Scientific research / IT development

Project website:

Project description: BELCAM is a four years research project funded by Belspo, the Belgian scientifique policy, as part of the STEREO III program. The project aims to use earth observation in order to monitor agriculture at parcel levels.

Within this project, I’m working on the development of a mobile/web interface between scientists and practitioners (farmers) to collect crowd data and disseminate remote sensing based products.

Funding: STEREO III, BELSPO, Belgian scientific policy.

2012 – 2017 FACCE/MACSUR

Involvement: Scientific research + coordination of the Belgian network FACCE-WB

Project website:

Project description:  FACCE (Food security, Agriculture, Climate Change) is a Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) in research on food security and agriculture under the context of climate change in Europe. First research project from the FACCE network, the knowledge hub FACCE/MACSUR gathers researchers mostly working on crop and grassland modelling, facing predicted climate change in Europe. MACSUR, implying research activities, networking and capacity building, gathers 220 people within 73 institutions through 17 countries. In Belgium, 8 research teams are involved in the project at the ULg in Liège, Arlon and Gembloux AgroBioTech and at the “Centre de Recherche Agronomique” (CRA-W).

We in Belgium mainly work on crop and grassland modelling and in the impact of climate change on animal health. I participate in model intercomparison studies using the dynamic vegetation model CARAIB for wheat and grassland modelling.

Funding: DGO6 Région Wallonne, Belgium, under the framework of the European JPI FACCE.

2013-2015 AGRICAB

Involvement: Project coordination at the ULg level

Project website:

Project description: AGRICAB is about developing African capabilities in Earth observation by remote sensing. At ULg, we were mainly committed to the development of new biomass estimation models based on remote sensing data in Senegal and Niger, and to the development of an index-based livestock insurance scheme in Kenya.

2008-2011 PhD Thesis

Parce que ça sert à quelque chose de mesurer l’humidité du sol? (Ph. Navet)

High-resolution soil moisture mapping by a proximal ground penetrating radar. A numerical, laboratory and field evaluation. Université catholique de Louvain, May 2011.

PDF of the thesis and slides of the presentation.

Supervisor: Sébastien Lambot (UCL, Belgium)

Readers: Marnik Vanclooster (UCL, Belgium), Pierre Defourny (UCL, Belgium), Niko Verhoest (UGent, Belgium), Johan A. Huisman (FZJ, Germany), Laurent Pfister (CRP, Luxembourg)


I was and I am still involved in a few courses at Arlon Campus Environnement, Université de Liège:

  • ENVT0010-1  Approche intégrée d’une question d’environnement
  • ENVT3023-1  Représentation de l’information
  • RISQ2002-1  Analyse et Modélisation des systèmes naturels

Some of my teaching materials are freely (licence CC – By Nc Sa) available here:


Julien Minet

julien.minet [at]



